Sunday, July 3, 2011

Park Profiles: Hickings Lane, England (by Richard Odams)

Skate Sessions is keeping it international with its first of two Enlgand skatepark profiles by Richard Odams.

Hickings Lane Skate Park (Broxtowe Borough Council) is at Hickings Lane, Stapleford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England.

It contains six quater pipes (two 4ft, two 5ft, and two 6ft); three on either side of the lot.

Next to each other, in the middle of the lot, is a 6ft high wooden box, which sits between the 6ft quarters and a 12ft long metal box, which sits between the 5ft quarters with a round metal rail (about 1-1½ ft high), running the length on the outside. Between these boxes is a small flat kicker, ramped on both sides, which sits between the 4ft quarters.

To the side of the metal box are two 6ft long rails, one round and one square.

This seems like a solid park, with good set-ups and both air and grind obstacles. I know if I’m ever over in Nottinghamshire I’ll have to stop by for a session.

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