Thursday, July 14, 2011

MFTBRAND (Japan): Last Week At ASPO

I was just introduced to MFTBRAND, a skating company and crew out of Japan. These dudes, and a couple girls, tear it up in the Far East and deserve to be recognized for their talent.

The crew consists of Eiji Sakihara, Haruki Dozen, Mana Dozen, Seiki Matsuo, Haruka Suenaga, Kazuho Kumazawa, Chihiro Azuma, Yuto Goto, Yuta Yori, Masaaki Takahara, Teppei Imaoka, Yoshiki Kimura, Katsuhiko Sagata, Koichi Iguchi and Soichiro Kanashima.

Here is their most recent video.

MFTBRAND 2011.07.14 Clip of the last week at ASPO from MFTBRAND on Vimeo.

"It’s regrettable but, Action Sports Park Okayama (called ASPO) where this clip is filmed at, has closed out on the end of June by the policy of Okayama City. For 10 years, from 2001 to 2011, ASPO is liked by a lot of skaters. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to ASPO."

For more from MFTBRAND check out and their Vimeo channel, or just check back here as we continue to bring you the best of the best from around the world.

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